Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Miss You!

I started tearing up last night, as the women of Gamma Lambda were practicing their pref ceremony. There are parts of their ceremony that are similar to ours, so it of course made me think of our pref days. The way they were talking about their sisters made me think of you all and how much I miss the women of Epsilon Nu. I used to tear up during pref day when I was surrounded by all my good friends, do you have any idea how hard it is to sit through a pref ceremony when you are 1,200 miles away from your friends. It was rough, but I have to admit it wasn't the first time I've teared up in the last few weeks, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

I just wanted all of my friends to know that I miss you, and I think about you pretty much all the time!


Anonymous said...

I MISS YOU!!!!!!! I think about you ALL the time!! I go to call you all the time and its so hard not to be able to talk to you as much as normal! Its weird going to stilly for class and not being able to park and walk with you or have you pick me up from class. 1,200 miles away! I guess I never realizd just how far away you are until you put it in miles! Know that I'm thinking about you always and I hope that your letters are bringing you some comfort and joy from home! Love you and miss you tons!!

Alexis said...

I miss you too! Do you have any idea what it's like to not be able to talk to you about how difficult this teaching thing is??? And you were right- they never stop talking!!!

I'm glad you are enoying your consultantship though! Our little chapter still makes me so proud. And I know you can make a difference in all those little chapters too! Best of luck and I miss you a lot!!!

Unknown said...

BIG T!!!
Cheer up! You're making us sad! I can't imagine being as brave as you are being. I'm so proud of you! Talk to you soon!