Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Oklahoma. . . Where the skies are blue!"

Earlier this week, or I guess it was last week since today is Sunday, I was in the cafeteria at lunch time with a group of girls from the chapter. I was in line deciding what I was going to eat when a man from behind the counter looks at me and says, "I don't know this Phi Mu," I then told him that I was the chapter consultant. He looks at the girls around me and goes, "Consultant! Have they told you about the HAZING!?!?" Then he was like, "No no, I'm just kidding, they are a great group. So where are you from?"

I said, "I graduated from Oklahoma State; I'm from Oklahoma City."

His immediate response (in a sing-song voice) is, "OKLAHOMA WHERE THE SKIES ARE BLUE!" He then stops singing and goes, "I bet you didn't think I knew the song did you?"

I was just like, "No," and smiled. He was so friendly and talkative that I didn't want to tell him that he made up a line and sang it to the tune of "Oklahoma." We talked for a few more minutes and I then walked over to the table with the rest of the girls. They all turned to me and started apologizing and were embarrassed. I told them it wasn't a big deal. Maybe 2 minutes after I'd sat down, Tony--the ultra friendly cafeteria manager--came over to our table and sang the incorrect line of "Oklahoma" for me again.

The next day when I went to the cafeteria for breakfast, I was in line trying to decide what food to get when Tony comes running from the kitchen part of the cafeteria with small light bulbs sticking out of his ears and says, "I'm trying to have a bright idea!" I thought it was clever, the girl with me apologized and started introducing me to Tony. I was like, "Oh we've met!" He then started telling the other workers behind the counter that I was from Oklahoma, and they asked me if I was wearing boots. I laughed and said, "no," but that didn't stop all of them from coming around the counter to look to see if I had boots on. One of the cafeteria workers asked what brought me to North Carolina and the other worker told me that she lived in Oklahoma around Tinker years ago. So once again I spent a few minutes holding up the line in the cafeteria.

I just thought it was funny that I stirred up so much commotion at this little college that was about half the size of my high school.


Unknown said...

I'm surprised they didn't ask you if we rode ponies and lived in tepee's! They did when I went to NYC in high school! Most important question....was this Tony guy cute!?!?

tsteers said...

This Tony guy was pushing 50!