Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm leavin on a jet plane. . .

I didn't pack everything I own, but I sure packed a lot of it! I have run a million errands this week; I've done several loads of laundry, and I've packed and unpacked my two suitcases multiple times until everything has fit and I'm under the weight limit. I guess that means I'm ready for my flight in the morning.
I've wanted this job for a long time now, a good two years. I've known I had this job for 4.5 months. Yet, it wasn't until this week that it really hit me--I'm really leaving. I hadn't thought about all the goodbyes I was going to have to say. In my application and in one of my interviews they asked how I would handle being away from my friends and family for an extended period of time. I told them that it wouldn't bother me, that it's just a one year thing, and I'd just enjoy all the good parts. I had no idea that I should have told them I just wasn't going to think about the fact that I was leaving my friends and family. For the most part, in all honesty, I've ignored all the goodbyes. I've just been saying, "I'll see you later," as if later is in a couple days, when later is actually going to be October.
It is so bittersweet, because on one hand I'm really sad that I'm leaving and on the other hand I'm super excited about what is in store for me. Right now I am just having to deal with the leaving part, but I'm sure that once I get there and get in the swing of things I am going to have a blast.
I've rambled enough and this really hasn't gone in the direction that I wanted, so I'm gonna wrap it up here! The next time you hear from me I will be on the East coast!


Anonymous said...

I totally knew your title would be "Leavin on a Jet plane!" I am so proud of you and can't wait to hear what it's like on the East coast!! Call when you can and I'll try to keep you updated on the crazy thing I call my life!! Love you soo much twin!! Miss ya!!!

Unknown said...

This year is going to go by so fast, you're not even going to know what hit you! Don't think about how much you miss people, think about the things that drive you crazy that you don't have to deal with!!! Hope you're having fun! Talk to you soon!
(By the way, I think you should try to keep this thing updated with your current address and the dates you're going to be there so if someone wants to mail you something they can, and it can be a surprise. Just blame it on me so you don't sound like you're asking for stuff!)

Susanne said...

I agree with Chelsea... it would be nice to know your current address whenever you are settled for an extended period of time so people can send you stuff!